Our season is divided into two terms. You sign up for 5 months. There is a one-month cancellation notice required before the start of a term (please note! This means you must cancel before August 1st or before January 1st). The membership fee is invoiced every 5 months.
Term 1: September 2, 2024 to January 31, 2025
Term 2: February 1, 2025, to July 6 2025
Contribution fees must be paid per term. This can be done in cash or by card at the reception, or transferred to IBAN: NL18INGB0004533961 in the name of Beatz DanceStudio. Please include the student's name, the term, and the relevant class when making the payment.
Students can join at any time! If you join later in a term, a lower rate applies, and the missed lessons will be adjusted accordingly.
Is it not possible to pay the tuition fee in one lump sum? Please contact us to discuss the available options.
Beatz DanceStudio werkt tevens samen met de U-pas, Nieuwegein stadspas en Stichting Leergeld. Wanneer je hiervoor in aanmerking komt vergoeden zij 80 – 100% van het lesgeld. Ook bieden wij de mogelijkheid om te werken met een 10 rittenkaart of een onbeperkt abonnement.